
Captain Frank Barry, Civil War Era Collection

Captain Frank Barry, Civil War Era CollectionCaptain Frank Barry, Civil War Era Collection

Hammer Price w/ BP


Lot #: 134
Captain Frank Barry, Civil War Era Collection
Coat collar reads: Lafayette, Post 140 NY. Frock coat & coat. Various badges & medals in frame. Various epaulets, belts, badges, etc. Epaulets with original box. Leather trunk with three kepis. Various documents & photographs. Medals are an intact Civil War soldier's group until he left the service after the war. It contains the first federally issued medal for the Civil War known as the Lincoln medal, given to soldiers who served in the war. It is marked on the edge, "M. No. 1746.One of the documents is signed by William Seward.
Auction Date
May 20, 2016

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