Various Cartridges
Lot #: 49
Various Cartridges
L - 3 Boxes Winchester Ammunition. 1) 4 Rounds "Winchester" .45-70 High Velocity Soft Point Cartridges w/Box. Yellow/tan label. Trade mark registered in U.S. Pat. Off. & throughout the world. End labels dated 10-11. 2) Empty Box Winchester .44 (44-40). K4412T end code. 3) 20 Rounds Winchester 33 Cartridges. Mixed WRA, Western & Peters. Est. $100-150 R - 2 Boxes Western Ammunition. 1) 20 Rounds Western Cartridges .45-70. 17 are live. End label torn & opposite is loose. 2) Partial Box Western Cartridges .44-40 Winchester. Est. $25-$50
Auction Date
Aug 15, 2009

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