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Native American Artifact & Militaria: Auction & Appraisal

Military & Native American

Prices Realized: Military & Native American

Military and Firearms pieces were highlighted with the sale of the lifetime collection of John Wallace from Western NY, with several fine Henry Rifles and Winchesters bringing top prices. Our civil War-era guns, swords, knives, and documents also demand national attention. Native American items range from Germantown and Navajo weavings and Acoma pottery to beaded items and Kachina dolls—and more.

Henry Rifle
Price realized: $48,300
Lots per page:
Winchester Model 70


Sioux Boy's Vest


Ojibwe Pad Saddle


Winchester Model 42


Brown Bess Musket


Flintlock Pistol


Mughal Dagger


Navajo Weaving


(2) Navajo Weavings


Eagle Head Sword


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